Excursion Oukaimden


1 day

Departure from


Pick-Up Time

7:15 H

Drop-Off Time

19:30 H

Oukaimeden is 75 km in the south of Marrakech . The road up to Oukaimeden is beautiful, especially when it leaves the valley of Ourika. It allows to discover, overhanging, of many villages built on a mountainside. First it is bordered by agaves and prickly pears, which then give the space to fields of ocher stone . You will meet many Berber women in colorful clothes, children who appear from nowhere and ask five dirhams when you stop to take a picture . Of course, do not give anything ! Oukaïmeden is a ski resort, the highest in Africa, and also the best equipped of Morocco (chairlift and six lifts) for a small ski area of 300 acres with trails for all the levels (black, red, blue and green). The snow, which varies greatly depending on the year, is on average 120 days between mid-December and mid-April.

  • Minibus 9 seats : 150 €
  • Minibus 12 seats : 170 €
  • Minibus 17 seats : 190 €